Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd stands as one of his most popular shows, thanks in large part to that iffy Tim Burton film released in 2007 (which boasted Johnny Depp as the titular barber and his knife, and Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett, who, alas, was no Angela Lansbury). A remarkable feat considering the show involves a serial killer, rape, murder, green finch and linnet birds, and pools of blood. For this local production of Sondheim's noted classic, the musical bloodbath gets the small-scale treatment care of Ray of Light Theatre under the direction of Ben Randle. And you should check it out..

Sure, some reviews have been so-so. SF Weekly notes, "The material might be rich, but it gets lost in Ray of Light's production ... The six-piece band often overwhelms the singers, and many performers fail to take their characters to the heights the script demands." And SF Appeal says, "It's maybe a little too bright ... and, as with any performance viewed from twenty feet away, sub par performances are blaringly apparent. Fortunately, there are few of these." But when do you get to hear such Sondheim classics as "By the Sea," "Worst Pies In London," and "A Little Priest"? Not often enough, that's for sure.

Runs until August 13 at the Eureka Theatre (215 Jackson), SF. Ticket info.