DreamWorks Animation, the digital animation studio co-founded by Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and David Geffen and based in Glendale, has about 600 employees in the Bay Area. For a while now they've spread out in two buildings in Redwood City. As of this week, they just officially moved into a new 200,000-square-foot structure nearby with a custom build-out to address employee needs, including a brand new screening room, and an on-site doctor's office with a full-time nutritionist.
The plan is to hire 200 more people in the next three years, beginning on the tech side but eventually spilling over into creatives.
The studio responsible for the Madagascar franchise, among others, has been speeding up its production schedule from two to three films a year, which will mean they'll soon be putting out three times as many movies as competitor Disney-Pixar, which still does just one movie each year (this year's being Brave).