FILM: Food Shift presents a free screening (donations appreciated) of Dive, which exposes the problem of food waste in America, followed by a discussion with Dana Frasz, Director of Food Shift and Kirsten Bourne from Bi-Rite Market, about innovative ways grocery stores can do their part to reduce waste. (6 to 9 p.m., Rally Pad, 144 2nd Street)

COMPETITION: Hot on the heels of the big Mr. Marina Competition last week, the Marinaites' mustachioed male counterparts will contend for the coveted top Mr. Mission slot tonight, also in the name of cancer research. (8 to 11 p.m., Elbo Room, 647 Valencia Street)

LITERARY: Litquake and City Lights Books present an evening of readings and music celebrating the life of Edith Piaf with Carolyn Burke, author of No Regrets: The Life of Edith Piaf, and musical accompaniment from chanteuse Betty Roi. The talk and performance will be followed by an audience Q+A and book signing. (7 to 9 p.m., Tosca Cafe, 242 Columbus Avenue)