View Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map 2012 in a larger map

As is customary just before San Francisco's yearly 12k Fun Run and Bacchanal, here is your annual Bay to Breaks Liquor Store Map, brought to you by Joe Kukura of the wonderful Exercising While Intoxicated and the (apparently defunct?) Citizens for the Preservation of Bay to Breakers. The forecast is calling for 65 and sunny, so the gaggles of nudists and hordes of folks who cleaned out the American Apparel bargin bins ought to be out in all of their fleshy and gold lamé glory.

Yes, we realize this is last year's map, but as far as we can tell there hasn't been a lot of turnover among local liquor stores in the past year. Scratch that, Joe to the rescue with the updated 2012 edition. Anyway, here's the official course map, should you need it for some reason. If you to have a bathroom emergency, we know of at least one place that will have some real, indoor facilities.

As always, be safe and courteous out there, everybody!

[Exercising While Intoxicated]