Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day. Google has reimagined its iconic logo into a piece celebrating the big day. To honor the holiday, as HuffPo notes, "Google created a simple, colorful doodle which transforms the 'G' into a female gender symbol, the second 'O' into a yellow flower and replaces the logo's regular blue with purple." (What, no ponies?)

Washington Post reports that that the of today's holiday is "Empower Rural Women—End Hunger and Poverty." Locally, women (and rad men!) are protesting the firing of two female Hyatt Santa Clara housekeepers who made waves over degrading cartoon images of skinny white women wearing bikinis, with hotel housekeepers' faces affixed to the bodies. SF Bay Guardian has more:

On Oct. 14, two weeks after Martha Reyes tore down the pictures, she and Lorena Reyes were fired from their positions as housekeepers at the Hyatt Santa Clara. Both have worked in hotels for more than two decades.

The pictures that started it all? Cartoon images of skinny white women wearing bikinis, with the faces of the hotel’s housekeepers tacked on.

“The pictures were pictures of women in bikinis with our faces pasted on. To be honest, for me as a woman it was—imagine, I’m a mom of five kids and nine grandkids. To be put in that kind of picture is extremely uncomfortable,” Martha told the Guardian.

When they were fired, the sisters were told that they were wasting company time by combining their ten-minute and lunch breaks. But the sisters believe that they were targeted after Martha tore down the pictures—and later, when confronted by a superior who demanded the images back, refused to return them.

The incident, among other questionable behavior, has sparked a rally at the Grand Hyatt in Union Square today.