The Good Food Awards unfurl over the weekend and the Ferry Building is where you'll want to be. (If not for the food and wine, come for the chronic celebrity sightings. Par example: Jake Gyllenhaal perused artisanal goods over the weekend, which you probably missed while getting smashed in Dolores Park.) Where to start? Well, this year's opening reception on Friday, January 13 will be open to the public for the first time. (For a weighty $100, yes; but you're sure to consume that amount in food and booze, so it all breaks even... more or less.) In addition to honored chocolates, preserves, pickle, meats, coffee cheeses and more, Alice Waters and Ruth Reichl will be there to sprinkle their special brand of elfin slow-food personality and magic to and fro.

Tomorrow's reception goes from 8 pm to 10 pm.

For those of you who can't or won't throw down $100, fine. We hear you. On Saturday, January 14 at the Ferry Building, hit up Beer and Spirits at the Marketplace ($12, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm) where you can gulp a gathering of 15 of the winning beer and spirits from all five regions of the country. Spirits will be served up in their pure form and mixed in signature cocktails. Get your liver ready.

Also, happening on Saturday at the Ferry Building? The Good Food Awards Marketplace ($5 donation at the door and $15 for early access, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm). Attendees can taste and buy the award-winning foods from across the country. But who am I eating and are they worthy of my tongue, you ask? Well, take a look at last year's esteemed list of winners to see for yourself. This year's crop promises to be even better.

For ticket information and more information, please visit