This contributor is admittedly gift-buying challenged, but local gift purveyors, Misha SF (1428 Polk), make it super easy for us to make discerning purchases. Their Polk Street storefront is chock-full of quirkily fun yet functional items that won't break our wallet.

For instance, who wouldn't love this fab cup created by Japanese designer Yusuke Fujinuma, which doubles as a diamond ring? The mug is made out of white porcelain, the handle is available in gold or platinum, and the gem is made of clear sparkling Swarovski crystal, for the truly upscale hot beverage enthusiast.

And how cool is that box? First the recipient will think you're proposing to them, and then, for better or worse, "gotcha!," it's just a really clever and fashionable mug.

To quote Fred and Friends, the cup's manufacturer, "ooh la latte!"