Taking a look at one possible metric for gauging Ed Reiskin's performance since he took over Nat Ford's gig as Muni chief back in July, the Examiner reveals today that the always-frustrating switchbacks on the N-Judah and L-Taraval lines have dropped from 440 early turnarounds in June to about 260 in September. So the number of incidents where riders were left stranded at Church and Duboce is down by about 40% (which is nice), but according to some end-of-the line residents they're still getting stuck out behind the Market Street Safeway for longer than they'd like.

Muni's official switchback policy, remember, is to only turn a trains if there's another less than 5 minutes behind it, but as Sunset District Supe Carmen Chu told the Ex, her constituents have been complaining about longer waits after getting the boot on their homeward commutes. So how about it, N and L riders? Are Muni delays making you feel the switchback sting a little more? And don't forget, switchbacks are "for the greater good."
