Bryan Stow, the victim of a brutal assault at Dodger Stadium on opening day, saw the great outdoors for the first time in six months yesterday. Stow, who has been slowly recovering from brain damage, a medically induced coma and infections stemming from brain surgery complications has been making steady progress after doctors inserted a shunt to relieve the pressure on his brain a few weeks ago. The most recent milestone comes to us by way of the Stow family's blog, where they delivered the heartwarming moment:

On Friday Bryan said something that perfectly fit the moment, and really describes these past few days. We got the OK to take Bryan outside for the first time in almost 6 months... Bonnie asked Bryan how it felt to be outside. Bryan, sitting in the sun, with his eyes closed said, “It’s magical.

Meanwhile, Louie Sanchez and Marvin Norwood, the two men charged in the assault on Stow, pled not guilty in in Los Angeles County Superior Court last month. The pair are scheduled to appear again for a preliminary hearing at the end of this week.

Previously: All Bryan Stow coverage on SFist