MUSIC: Yoshi's brings together poetry and music at Talking Taiko, celebrating the release of Yuri Kageyama's The New and Selected Yuri Writing From Peeling Till Now, and featuring guest poet Ishmael Reed, accompanied by taiko drumming. (8 p.m., Yoshi's San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore Street)

COMPETITION: Head over to Comstock Saloon to witness your mustachioed comrades take part in the Whiskey Waxing Beard And Mustache Competition. Contestants will be judged on their form & ability to sip whiskey or tea. All sizes, shapes, and styles considered. "It’s not the size of your sweep, but the shape of your broom!" (7 p.m., Comstock Saloon, 155 Columbus Avenue)

FOOD: The second week of Slim's August Pop-Up series features Radio Africa & Kitchen, which was inspired by Chef Eskender Aseged's experience growing up in Ethiopia, featuring old world-inspired recipes of Mediterranean and Red Sea countries. (7:30 to 10 p.m., Slim's, 333 11th Street)