In an effort to become the most boring place on the world wide web -- or maybe it's just us? Since our friends post the most meh stuff now, we've resorted to following Arbor Mist's spectacular, frighteningly honest updates. Seriously. "Sparkling Raspberry put the sparkle in my smile ;)" beats the umpteenth pretentious Kanye West song lyric -- Facebook will "work with law enforcement agencies nationwide to remove accounts set up by inmates or posted on their behalf." Why? Well, according Associated Press, "prisoners are using the social networking site to stalk victims and direct criminal activity."

In Facebook's defense, they do have a point. One case in particular case, a convicted child molester sent Facebook pic sketches to one of his victims.

Last year a convicted child molester used a cellphone smuggled into prison to search his victim's Facebook and MySpace web pages, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said in announcing the agreement with Facebook. The inmate then sent sketches to the 17-year-old victim's home. Though he hadn't seen her in at least seven years, the inmate used photos from her social networking pages to accurately draw the clothes she wore and the way she styled her hair, the department said.

While inmates are allowed to retain their social networking profiles that were created before incarceration, Facebook will yank their pages if they're used while the convict is behind bars. California's botched prison system, according Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes, could do itself a favor by "keep[ing] smartphones and other Internet devices out of prisons."

Several years ago, California corrections officers uncovered 261 contraband cellphones inside prisons. "They found more than 7,200 in the first six months of this year," reports the LA Times.

[Oakland Tribune]