Uh oh. A pitching coach for the Atlanta Braves is in hot sweet tea for making anti-gay remarks AT&T Park last weekend. TMZ reports: "Atlanta Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell has been accused of targeting a group of male fans last weekend at a Giants game in San Fran -- allegedly asking them, 'Are you a homo couple or a threesome?' " The announcement was made today by--who else?--the world's favorite buttinski, Gloria Allred.
According to Allred, a family at last week's game claims that they witnessed McDowell tell a group of male fans, "Are you three giving it to each other in the ass?"
The father of the family, who confronted McDowell upon hearing the disturbing remarks, says that the mean-spirited coach then told him "Kids don't fucking belong at the baseball park" ... and then approached him with a baseball bat, saying, "How much are your teeth worth?"
Charming. "This is the kind of thing that could and maybe should get McDowell fired," said NBC Sports' Craig Calcaterra.
For what it's worth, Roger McDowell admitted and apologized for this actions. He released a statement this afternoon, saying, “I am deeply sorry that I responded to the heckling fans in San Francisco on Saturday. I apologize to everyone for my actions."