It's been confirmed that the Windsor teen who recklessly jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday and into the threads of countless Internet memes "did it for kicks," according to Frederic Lecouturier, 45, of San Rafael, the surfer who saved his life.

Lecouturier, who was beneath the east side of the bridge looking up toward the west, told Bay City News that the teen fell feet first, about 25 yards away from him, and that his knees were slightly buckled when he hit the water. He reportedly surfaced quickly and began swimming. Lecouturier removed the kid's shoes to increase his buoyancy, put him on his surfboard, and paddled him to shore where emergency responders were waiting.

Lecouturier believes that a strong south wind might have slowed the teen's fall, aiding in his survival.

The lucky teen didn't suffer any severe injuries.

Although it was a stupid thing to do, SFist can relate to the irrational desire to experience the feeling of jumping off a bridge or skyscraper. We've always wondered if that desire is the reason many people are afraid of heights -- tell us, Acrophobics.

UPDATE: Bay City News has updated their report with the news that the California Highway Patrol is recommending that the San Francisco District Attorney's Office file trespassing charges.

[BCN/SF Appeal]