Well, we're ever-so-slightly closer to actually choosing an interim mayor. The Appeal reports that last night the Board of Supervisors approved a process to select who will win a year's supply of Gavin's hair gel run the city in 2011. The procedure, designed by board clerk Angela Cavillo, operates thusly:

  • 11 nominees will be chose by the board and then voted on in the order they were submitted.
  • If any nominee wins six votes (a majority, obviously), then they win the office, regardless of whether they've voted on the rest of the nominees yet.
  • Board can nominate anyone in the San Francisco electorate (pick me!), including a board member. However, board members can't vote for themselves.
  • If a Supe is nominated they have to be sequestered during the voting to ensure "complete impartiality," as Supervisor Elsbernd put it.

The plan was eventually passed unanimously, but not before Chris Daly called it a "clusterfuck" and added on an amendment. The procedure will be put to use at the next Board meeting on December 7th. Daly also made it a point to highlight the significance of the vote, calling it, "the most important vote we will ever cast as members of the Board of Supervisors." Although, the next generation of voters will probably remember this board as the one that stole their toys.