Upon hearing that, many moons ago, former First Lady Barbara Bush presented a young George W. Bush with a horrifying fetus-in-a-jar lesson about abortion, both Babs and Dubya instantly turned into the most fascinating First Lady and President in U.S. history, respectively. (Really, can you picture a Chanel-clad Jackie Kennedy whipping out a mason jar filled to the brim with her miscarriage for John-John? Because we cannot.) Which is why former U.S. President (and, let's face it, future war-crime defendant) Bush's Decision Points is this year's must read.

That said, the fine folks at Green Apple Books will donate 100% of all Decision Points' proceeds to the San Francisco VA Hospital. The store's co-owner Kevin Ryan explains to SF Weekly, that this is the perfect way to "make a political statement about a book but still offer it to customers."

To get your copy, visit Green Apple Books, 506 Clement Street, 415-387-2272.