The Red Cross Bay Area's website reminds us that this month is National Preparedness Month, and the San Bruno fire has served as a big reminder to be prepared.

When searching for simple emergency kits, we came across Equipped to Survive, which has some tips on building a very basic, affordable kit, although it's very text-heavy. We like how they prioritize and thoroughly explain what you need. also has some pretty user-friendly articles, lists, and videos. And of course is helpful but pretty daunting.

Below, we've included a couple of basic lists that can help get you started with the necessities, so you can hopefully add other helpful stuff later. It's also a good idea to add spirits to your kit, if you partake, as well as books, cards, and anything else to pass the time.

Additionally, any well-prepared DIY folks out there are encouraged to provide advice to all of us procrastinators in the comments!