SFPD have put out an alert regarding a missing fourteen-year-old girl named Tiffany Alvarez, who has been in contact through MySpace for the past three or four months with a man who goes by "Gino". "Gino" is thought to be in his 30's and has described himself as 6'0" with dark hair, dark eyes, a big nose, and light complexion.

Here is the info on Tiffany:

Date: 08/20/10
Case #: 100 747 075
Name: Tiffany Alvarez
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Race: White
Sex: Female
Age: 14

"Gino" might be driving a newer model silver Toyota Tundra pickup truck, and Tiffany was last seen wearing gray velvet pajamas, gray/black purse.

The parents suspect that Tiffany and "Gino" are on their way to Houston, Texas.

Contact SFPD Missing Persons at 415-558-5508 or after hours at 415-553-1071.