by Matt Baume

"What does the Bible really say about being gay?" asks , a documentary designed to help LGBTs and church folk get along. What an excellent question! We are just going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that the Bible says, "IT'S FAAAAAABULOUS (Deut 6:9)."

But it's more than just a movie: it's also a road trip! The Fish out of Water team is taking to the roads this summer, mostly in scary southeast states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Deliveranceburg, hosting free screenings and panel discussions. Godspeed, gays! Vaya con Dios, as they say.

In advance of the tour, they're holding screenings of the film around the country next Thursday, the 15th. Shockingly, San Francisco is not among the cities participating. We asked organizer Kate Baldridge why not, and she explained that they don't currently have a volunteer to host an SF event.

And that's where you come in, you open-minded, media-savvy, well-connected homosexual or homosexual sympathizer. If you have access to screening facilities and can promote a screening on super-short notice, Fish Out of Water wants to hear from you. Just get in touch with Elizabeth Chase and let her know you'd like to help out the filmmakers.

They will love you forever! In a gay way.

Fish out of Water