The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling aside, we neither watch nor understand the allure of professional wrestling. You know, the kind with The Rock, Hulk Hogan and the guy who murdered his family during a roid rage? That kind.

But for those of you who can't get enough, which is a good chuck of you, it's coming back to the Cow Palace. Akit's Complaint Department has the word:

...WWE's Smackdown and ECW crews will be wrestling at the Cow Palace on Sunday, [February] 14th at 5PM and tickets will be sold starting this Saturday at 10AM. From the looks of the ticketing website, it's going to be a non-televised event based on the seating arrangements within the Cow Palace. Tickets range from $15 to $75 and parking will be $15.

Wrestling, it seems, used to be big at Cow Palace, dating all the way back to the 1960s.