Do not upset redheads. Because they know how to hold a grudge, stab you in the back when you least expect it, and pour a cocktail in your unattended purse. Take note of this, British retailer Tesco.

See, the company put on the market a holiday card that reads, "SANTA loves all kids. Even GINGER ones." Not funny. The Awl quickly points out that the card "provoked fury in people with red hair, who tend to be the quickest to fly off the handle in explosive rage." (Aside: What in the hell is that supposed to mean!)

"It is never our intention to offend any customer and we are sorry if this card caused any upset," said a Tesco spokeswoman. They have since withdrawn the card.

Innocent redheads around the world, if you recall, were the target of a brutal campaign sparked by this Facebook page. "Kick a Ginger Day" resulted in the bruising of several auburn-haired Canadians.