Bobby Brown, the infamously foul-smelling man suspected of stabbing Rachel Brown on the J-Church this past Monday morning, according to police, was also detained then released in connection with the September 1 stabbing of Hatim Mansori, 11, on the 49-Van Ness. SFAppeal has the police report:

It should be noted that the suspect Brown was one of approximately a dozen suspects who were initially detained in the stabbing of an 11 year old boy on September 1st, 2009. The victim in that case was unable to identify the suspect in the case. Lacking identification and physical evidence, Brown was booked on an outstanding warrant for indecent exposure. Brown remains a suspect in that case which remains active and open at this time.

Bobby Brown, described as a transient (not the man who abused crystal with Whitney), was arrested yesterday at the 31st Avenue and Judah Street stop in the Outer Sunset. Rachel Brown is in good condition and is expected to leave the hospital today.