For your convenience, here's a handy voter guide.

Too much for you? Well, SF Bay Guardian has a concise list of their endorsements.

Also, SF Green Party, via their endorsement guide, are strongly opposed to sparkly, blinky, shiny, fun, magical, pretty lights on Market Street. They also hate Cisneros and Herrera. Because they bathe and don't wear Tevas. (We kid! Sort of.)

SF Appeal has a joyous guide to everyone else's endorsements. They even have info on how the SF Republican Party and SF Young Republicans -- two local groups that utterly and unironically fascinate the living hell out of us -- would like you to vote. Viva la diversidad, folks.

And finally, for those of you who want to party on this marginally important election night, SF treasurer Jose Cisneros and city attorney Dennis Herrera, both running unopposed, will have victory parties at Lime (2247 Market ) and Tosca (242 Columbus), respectively.