Do you miss those plastic bags that have been banished from San Francisco? Well, boo hoo! You might soon be getting a rebate for the bags you bring with you to the store! Attractive young Supervisor Ross "Boots" Mirkarimi introduced legislation today that would send paper bags packing after their forlorn plastic cousins require retailers to provide a rebate of ten cents to each customer for each bag the customer has brought and uses to carry out their purchases. The new legislation would affect the same grocery stores and pharmacies that have been forced to abandon plastic.

This is an ordinance this writer can support, but only if it includes a requirement that the virtual self-check out lady at the Safeway has to stop bitching about unknown items in the grocery bagging area whenever he plunks down his Timbuk2 bag on the scale. Good call, Ross.

The text of the proposed legislation can be found here at SF weekly. (Warning: Word Document).