Did you happen to hear about this art theft down in Pebble Beach in which 13 paintings, totaling somewhere between $27 million and $80 million in value depending on who you ask, were stolen in potentially one of the biggest art heists on record? Well, the well-to-do victims of the theft, Benjamin Amadio and Ralph Kennaugh, are now being considered suspects by the Monterey County Sheriffs Dept., who are investigating whether the entire thing is a hoax. Amadio and Kennaugh, who both hail from Boston, are so far refusing to take a lie detector test, and they "compromised the integrity" of the investigation by leaking a ransom note to the media.

The allegedly stolen paintings include a Pollock, a Van Gogh, 2 Rembrandts, and 4 Miros (including the one at left). Amadio and Kennaugh are offering a $1 million reward for the return of the artwork, and a $5 million reward for information that leads to the prosecution of the thieves, which kind of makes it sound like they're more vindictive than they are concerned for the artwork, but anyway. Maybe this extraordinary collection of theirs never even existed at all!