Plug 1 of What I'm Seeing came across this scene at the Whole Foods located a block away from SFist HQ, over on Fourth Street and Harrison. He explains:
According to one of the security guards, the fellow in cuffs attempted to rack a bottle of wine and some take-out dinner from the market just moments before I arrived. As they tackled him to the ground, the bottle of wine broke, drenching his tee-shirt. What made the situation worse was that the fellow was not only full of adrenaline, but deaf. It took some time for the security guards to realize this, but not before completely wearing this guy out. San Francisco's Finest arrived a few minutes later, called an ambulance, and took the suspect away.
Depravity and desperation of the thirsty guy aside, this really is a great shot of security guards taking him down. Here's another one.
And, yes, thank God, our rosés are safe... for now.