This morning, Pinole Police held a press conference, informing the public that they've finally figured ourt there whereabouts of Amber Swartz-Garcia, missing since 1988. She's dead. Notorious child killer Curtis Dean Anderson, it seems, was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Swartz-Garcia. If you recall, Anderson was convicted of the rape and murder of 7-year-old Xiana Fairchild in 1999. According to the Mercury News, "Amber vanished the afternoon of June 3, 1988, last seen skipping rope in front of her home on the 3400 block of Savage Avenue. Her disappearance launched a national search that drew thousands of tips and prayers to this small-town suburb in western Contra Costa County. Pinole police detectives and FBI agents now acknowledge that those prayers were in vain." Anderson, who was "serving more than 300 years in Corcoran State Prison," died in 2007.