Too old, young, married with children, in the closet, cracked out, hungover or far away to watch this morning's Gay Pride Parade? Relax. You can watch it within the warm, glowing, comforting glow of your computer screen. Check out the parade live at 10 a.m. this morning over, hosted by alleged celebrities Jai Rodriguez, Michelle Meow and Sebastian Kunz.. (An aside:? Where the fuck are Jan Wahl and Donna Sachet? It's not a LGBTTQGLGQ Pride parade without Jan and the Castro district's tranny of note. This is bullshit.) You can also watch it live on Comcast channel 99 starting at 10:30 a.m. Who knows? Coverage might just border on 'almost interesting.' Oh, and also be sure to send SFist your Pride pics. If you want to, that is You can do by by electronically mailing them to [email protected], or simply tag them with 'sfist' IN Flickr. Have fun, kids.