The FBI arrested Roanoke, Virginia resident Jeffrey Weaver, 47, this week after he made several threatening comments on the interwebs. Weaver, it seems, allegedly posted anonymous comments on about Johannes Mehserle, the BART cop who allegedly shot and killed Oscar Grant on New Year's Day. According to Wired, Weaver reportedly went on a tirade on January 5th and 7th under the droll sobriquet "FuckThePigs.” Ahem: “Fuck the pigs and if I find out who the pig is then I will kill the pig who killed him,” is just one of the messages he angrily typed out against the disgraced cop. Anyway, Mehserle’s father saw the comments and contact the FBI. Then, "FBI agents subpoenaed [Alex] Jones, who runs InfoWars, to obtain IP addresses from which the messages were posted. They matched three addresses to a Verizon account owned by Weaver." Agents arrested Weaver and -- horror of horrors -- "found a 'green leafy substance' (.pdf) and 'a glass smoking device,' but no gun. Jones told Wired that there are worse comments on YouTube and other sites compared to InforWars, saying that he feels unfairly targeted.