This year's murder rate -- which, as SF Appeal notes, the mainstream media cannot agree upon; it's 18 or 19, depending on who you read -- is kind of low. In fact, as SFist commenter redtim deftly pointed out last week, "last year we were at 48 (according to sfcrime) by Memorial Day." And now? We're at 18, 19, or 20. For SFist alone, it's been damn near impossible to find a consistent, traffic-spiking murder story to post on a regular basis. (Step up to the plate, lazy fucking criminals.) So, why is the murder rate so jarringly low? Has the Obama regime ushered in a kinder, gentler vibe throughout SF? Are our murderers getting craftier? Are reports of murders getting lost? In an effort to get elected governor, is Mayor Gavin Newsom hiding the bodies? Is this some sort of gift from the Baby Jesus? Tell us.