Meghan McCain, daughter of the Senator and P.O.W. presidential candidate John McCain, wrote an opinion piece in the Daily News today. What it is is this: an open letter to New York Republicans, asking them to support the state's gay marriage legislation, "[n]o matter how politically charged the discussions about marriage equality may get, the question is really a simple one: Do the rights and privileges we offer citizens include everyone in our country, or only some of us? I believe that allowing gays and lesbians the freedom to marry is an idea whose time has come... Equality under the law and personal freedoms are what make America the greatest country in the world, and they are core values that I hold as a Republican." In addition to being all kinds of awesome, McCain is one of the few Republican women who know exactly how to do the whole bottle blond thing. Kudos to you, Meghan. Let's hope the GOP is listening.