by Moses Namkung

When you're dancing at the Fillmore and everybody else is dancing with you, take a moment and stand still for a couple seconds. It's like taking the pulse of the dance floor.

Last night, the dance floor's heart was pounding. All. Night. Looong. Getting the blood flowing, Matt & Kim took the stage not long after 8:00 pm. From their recordings, you can sense that the Pratt graduates and Billyburg residents have a lot of, uh, energy, but honestly, you're not exploiting close to the full potential this band has unless you see them... in the hot, sweaty, joyous flesh.

With "Daylight," the opening track of their second album, Grand, the crowd was limbering up quite nicely. Then, Matt solicited the audience for "one small favor"; he asked, "can you just put one hand up?". The audience dutifully did so; a forest of limbs appeared. Then, Matt said, "now put the other hand up!". How simple! And with that, on the synth, he played some strains from Europe's "Final Countdown" as the forest began to happily pulsate, then segued into "Silver Tiles" to close out the set. According to Kim, the two will be back in the Bay Area sometime around September, so be sure to check them out then.