Around a 100 or so people showed up at today's Bay to Breakers Rally at San Francisco City Hall. But numerous speakers (e.g., Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, former Supervisor candidate and progressive Alix Rosenthal) and loads of media turned out. If you recall, many fans of drunk jogging pitched a fit after ING altered the rules of this year's Bay to Breakers race. After last year's melee, a ban on booze, nudity, and floats was handed down.

SFCitizen's Jim Herd was at City Hall today. He tells SFIst, "It looks like things will get worked out. The phrase 'burning man ethos' was bandied about. Other Supes are content to let Ross set the tone, take the lead. Alix Rosenthal stood next to Ross."

However, according to KTVU, Newsom called Mirkarimi’s news conference "premature." The mayor went on to say, "There is no compromise that legitimately is being announced today ... You have a supervisor who desires to see a compromise, but he is negotiating with himself. He’s not negotiating with the city leadership.”

Anyway, a fantastic media opportunity was had by all.