Will it give us green power with reasonable rates? Will it give the board of supes a blank check? Will we ever get to see No On H star Carmen Chu gaze into camera all earnest-like again? Will Sean Elsbernd relent? We have no idea. But if you're feeling particularly Yes on H-y tomorrow, head over to Jack Adams Hall (19th Ave/Holloway St) at 9:45 a.m. for a Yes on H rally. It's way too early for us, but for those of you interested: be on the look out for "hundreds of students with a 12 ft. windmill dressed in green shirts, green hard hats, coveralls, and bearing signs supporting Prop H standing on campus across the street from the MUNI platform." You can't miss them.

Oh, and Aaron Peskin should be in there somewhere as well. Hence his adorable image.