Noted for its vast collection of pin-thin whores, the disenfranchised, SROs, murders, and unaffordable studio apartments, the Tenderloin district - you know, the area from "McAllister, to Mason, to Geary (between Taylor and Polk), and just east of Polk" - was officially re-christened the Uptown Tenderloin Historic District by the State Historical Resources Commission on July 25. So, it's now officially a new SF neighborhood, or whatever. And already some inane historic museum is in the works, which none of you will ever visit, and a Tenderloin Walking Tour will start soon, which will see curious tourists raped and killed by the handfuls. Will this make the area more amusement park-y, or will give the community a much-needed ego boost? Who's to say. So long as Aunt Charlie's Lounge keeps its gritty-glam feel, they could call it Pacific Heights 2.0 for all we care. (Curbed, via BeyondChron)