You know how Mayor Gavin Newsom is supposed to make a special guest appearance at the Board of Supervisors meeting? At least once a month? To listen to their complaints, demonstrate that he's taking an active interest in neighborhood politics, powder the Supes' tender bottoms, and such? Well, it looks like he might not have to anymore, even though you, the voter, said you wanted him there. Over at Sweet Melissa, we came across the following news:

At tomorrow's Board of Supervisors meeting, they will be voting on the fast food menu labeling ordinance and on something that has ever-so-quietly made its way though the Rules Committee and on to the full Board: a motion to eliminate [.pfd alert!] the Board rule requiring a monthly appearance by the Mayor at the Board. Back in November 2006, SF voters passed Prop I, a policy statement requiring the Mayor to appear at the Board once a month.

SM goes into further legal detail, so check her out to find out the legal specifics. It goes without saying that we're all atwitter about how the vote will go come tomorrow. Well, as atwitter as one can get about City Hall, anyway