See what happens, conservative counties of California? Whenever you do something like this, we then have to do something like this. It's the way we balance things out. Tis the circle of life.

Yesterday, Mayor Newsom signed into action the Tommy Ammiano-introduced legislation that requires the city to handout ID cards to undocumented immigrants and other residents who either can't or just won't apply for driver's licenses. The good news is that these IDs will help (formerly) undocumented residents gain access to the wonderful world of banking, a sense of peace before calling the fuzz, as well as "health services at city-run clinics, public library privileges, and resident discounts at museums and other cultural institutions." (Entry fee discounts at the Exploratorium: the American dream realized.)

And the down side? These cards do not parallel Social Security numbers "for those seeking employment." What's more these cards could simply start signifying "alien" and the assumption that said card holder is here illegally.

Still, we want one. For kicks. And the program will go into effect in August of 2008. Also: good.