Oh my. This site sounded much more enthralling before we delved further. Still, it's interesting -- ripe with community-building spirit and harmonious stuff like that.

Curbed SF brought to our attention the following site: Shoot Your Neighbors. It seems that the good folks over at SYN want you to "1) download and print the words to this Sesame Street classic; 2) take photographs of the people in your neighborhood, 3) Email said shots of your photogenic (or not) neighbors here." And that's it.

Well, this sure sounds smurfy. That is, unless you're shy; you're trying to stop that knife-brandishing stalker from showing up at your door at 3:30 a.m.; or you're us. Other than that, it's a bang-up idea, and we look forward to seeing it grow.

Image credit: Shoot Your Neighbors / Heather Powazek Champ & Derek Powazek