Oh is it a voting day or something? It totally sneaked up on us! It still feels like Monday today. Actually it also feels like October. Anyway, you should probably vote yes on A and no on H, because that's what everyone else is doing. Prop A will protect The Mt Soledad National War Memorial and do something to the air force? and will transform some colleges. Also, Aristotle endorsed it it.

Proposition H will make housing affordable and will help people complain more (always a good thing), and will ban achohol, and will also make Ron Paul president.

Ha ha ha, just kidding! Actually Prop A makes Muni work better, by a series of boring changes that have to do with the general fund and labor laws and environmental purchasing regulations, . But it's good, even though it's dull. Prop H is just bad news; they're trying to make it easier to park your car by building more spaces, but it'll be just like if you favorite neighborhood bar builds an addition: it'll just get more crowded. Boooooo!

Seriously, though, please do vote for Tameka Boen. You're in the Boen Zone!
