-- The WGA strike suuuuuucks. As does a fall season full of reruns. [The Bastard Machine, The Snitch]

-- Vote tomorrow. Or whatever. [SFGate]

-- No Googlephone? Then, what's the point of living? [ValleyWag]

-- GOP Presidential candidate Romney Mailer is a ginormous GOP tool. [SFGate]

-- Missing teen found with blue square at Fisherman's Wharf. Ew. [Examiner]

-- Wisconsin-based chain store Batteries Plus banned. (Who knew there was a chain store devoted to batteries? Based in a land called Wisconsin? Well, we didn't.) [BeyondChron]

-- Your map to SF's best donuts, minus a single Homer Simpson reference. Kudos! [Gridskipper]

-- Morgan Hill husband arrested in the connection of the (attempted) stabbing/beating death of his wife. Because she told him to pipe down early this morning. Brute. [SJMerc]