-- Cammerin Boyd killed by reasonable force, says jury. [Chron]
-- Behold: the 54 million dollar SF home. Bow down before it, plebeians and renters! [CurbedSF]
-- Argentina hosts the gay World Cup of soccer. Maricons can play sports? Well, that tears it. [Chron, via AP]
-- Ed Jew fights to keep his seat on the board of supervisors. Sigh. [Examiner]
-- Castro getting all atwitter over this year's Halloween. And we're all gonna die!! But it looks like things might get under control by the big day. [BeyondChron]
-- California Street cable car shutdown temporarily. Not that any of us who live here can afford to ride them now... [Chron]
-- And you thought bicyclists had it bad up here? [LAist]