-- Sixth Street did not explode. [Chron]
-- Neither did Hayward. [CBS5]
-- Friday's party for Barry, Bonds/Newsom connection. [GNS]
-- Pigeon crap on bridges falling down, falling down, falling down... [Chron]
-- Microsoft going after Yahoo? [EWEEK]
-- On-air chats with Jessica Aguirre, who already knows how much you want to fuck her with your monster cock, gentlemen, so go easy on her. [Chron]
-- Alleged San Mateo blue square to stand trial. [CBS5]
-- Salad bars in SF school. Light and refreshing, mmm. [Chron, via SF Schools]
-- Largest Whole Foods opens. (Yay!) In Cupertino. (Bah. As if they need more Kombucha than we do.) [SJ Merc]
-- "Man, there's DNA all over the streets!" [Overheard Lines]