Well, at least he lives in the Richmond, right? (Some) affordable housing advocates and ethicists are shaking their heads over District 1 Supervisor Jake McGoldrick's poor party timing this week.

Remember that lot on Cesar Chavez and Mission that everyone's fighting about condoizing? Well, the Board of Supes had a contentious debate about it on Tuesday, and narrowly voted for development on a 6-5 vote. (hey, Michela Alioto-Pier must've shown up that day!) The swing vote? Jake McG, which surprised some people because usually Jake votes with the progressives (who were the losing 5).

Well, well, well: turns out that on Monday night, the day before the vote, McGoldrick went to a fundraising party thrown by Barbary Coast Consulting. Barbary Coast not only sponsors SF local politics go-to website Usual Suspects, but also runs one of the city's most successful lobbying/PR businesses. And who's just recently hired Barbary Coast? The developers of the condo project. That doesn't look so good.

Barbary Coast says that their party for McGoldrick had nothing to do with their lobbying work and that they were simply showing their support for the supe in his anti-recall efforts, and McGoldrick himself says that "my buttocks has never been for sale" (huh?) -- but the Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition is pretty steamed. Who'd want to buy McGoldrick's buttocks anyways?

For what it's worth, the developers have donated $2000 to McGoldrick, and McGoldrick raised about $8000 at Monday night's shindig (it's not clear if the $2000 was donated at the party, but we don't think it was.).

Picture of Jake McG at the Prog Con by Steve Rhodes.