It's the magic of music! The San Francisco Symphony comes back to Dolores Park for the fifth consecutive year for a free performance as part of their Summer In The City program. This year, it's kind of Spanish-themed, with Gershwin's Cuban Overture, composer Manuel de Falla's Three Cornered Hat, possibly some tangos, and Ravel's Bolero. Dum-da-da-da bump-bump, dum-da-da-da bump-bump.

Before the performance, there's also going to be the symphony petting zoo, where kids get to try out various musical instruments and see what they're like. Look at that crazy sliding trombooooooooone! (Us, we've always wanted to try our hand at the clarinet.)

The concert starts at 4, we assume the petting zoo goes an hour or so before? Bring a blanket, and Dolores Park is at 18th and Dolores if you didn't already know.

Picture from the Symphony.