But brace yourselves for tonight's edition: an "honest" look at the (dying? dead? necessary?) state of print publishing. Such inky icons as Ben Fong-Torres (from Rolling Stone), Lynn Peril (publisher of Mystery Date), Audacia Ray (editor of $pread Magazine), Deborah Ross (contributor to Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine), Kaya Oakes (poetry editor at Kitchen Sink Magazine), and Jimmy Chen (contributor at McSweeney's) will all read and maybe make an occasional outburst.
Drinking is strongly encouraged and enabled, but not necessary, but always fun if you do. The looking back to yesteryear goes from 7:30 to 9:30 at Make-Out Room, 3225 22nd St. (at Mission); admission is $3-$5 on a sliding scale. (Aw, thanks.)
One more thing about tonight's Writers With Drinks: proceeds go to benefit Other Magazine, so drink the top-shelf stuff and loads of it. You didn't really need that liver, did you?