Tony Hall's been famously irritated with Gavin Newsom ever since Newsom dumped him off at the Treasure Island Development Association to give his Supervisor's seat away to Sean Elsbernd and the Office of Emergency Services office to Annemarie Conroy, and then had him fired after the two of them got in a fight over Newsom's lack of commitment to the island and Newsom's accusations of Hall's financial improprieties. Hey Tony, it could've been worse: Gavin might have tried to make a play on your wife!

In the aftermath of that exploded friendship, Tony Hall demanded his Board of Supervisors seat back (to no avail), filed a legal claim against the city for his firing, and has now settled on the strategy of a blunt-talking race for the mayor's office instead (Care not Cash hasn't helped anyone, crime is up, middle class families can't afford to live here anymore, Newsom's been a disaster, he can't be trusted, we need real leadership, etc).

Is there going to be a squeeze play on Newsom from the right and the left in this race? That might be really interesting to watch -- if, of course, the left could get its act together enough to actually pick someone to start the squeezing. C'mon guys, Tony can't do it alone!