Our head is areel with all the options for fun this afternoon! Here's a partial list:

--Are you one of those people who says, when people ask you how old you are, "29 for the fourth time"? Well, if you are, and you're in the Marina today, Outside Magazine is holding a "Stay 30 Forever" event at the Marina Green from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. Free yoga, body fat testing, a speech by a vegan athlete, and folks selling outdoor gear. Birth certificate alterations not included.

--For those of you on the other side of Market, hop on that fixie bike and help celebrate Ritual Roasters' second anniversary by checking out their second store in the Bayview! Inside plant store Flora Grubb Garden's new location on 1634 Jerrold Ave (x Third), there's a happy birthday celebration at 1 p.m. today. Print this flyer out (.pdf) for two cups of coffee for the price of one at the new locations.

--And as we've already told you -- there's a book swap this afternoon, a craft fair, and a party for the John Barleycorn. Saturday afternoons in San Francisco are .

Picture from the SFist Flickr stream of the O.R.R. (Original Ritual Roasters), by exuberance.com. Go out today, take some pictures, and tag 'em SFist too!

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