Conan O'Brien's week in San Francisco came to a close today with his final taping at the Orpheum Theater, and the line to get in reached from the front of the theater, all the way down to the scary Carl's Jr., and then across the street and back up again so that those in the front of the line could wave to those at the end of the line across the street. We're not sure if everyone got in, but we did, which means we got to see both the opening and closing night's shows.

Today's show, which featured guests Snoop Dogg and Tom Waits, had a crowd even more manic than Monday's, with a lot more homemade signs, wacky hats, and tossing of objects onto the stage (including a beach ball and some underwear). Thankfully, the crowd wasn't too obnoxious; a request from the warm-up, pre-show guy to please not shout out the name of your home town because no one cares, seems to have worked, although there were still those who felt any moment of quiet needs to be filled with some kind of "shout-out." (Note to those guys: It doesn't.) It was kind of amusing to see Tom Waits perform to a crowd who didn't pay to see him. At least half the people around us had a look of, "What. The. Hell. Is this?" on their faces as he performed a song from his new album, complete with dust-raising foot stomping (watch tonight to see what we mean).

Gavin was once again a no-show--we kind of had hopes he'd make a last minute appearance on the show to at least quell rumors that he was pissed off about Conan's jokes. There were some surprise guests (we won't spoil the surprise) and another off-site video gag, (but we still think his visit to Lucas headquarters was the best of the bunch). As for the week as a whole, the episode with Lucas and Chris Isaak was probably our favorite, while Robin Williams night was ruined by the presence of Robin Williams. We think Conan did a good job of recognizing both the awesomeness and ridiculousness of our fair City, and it made us appreciate him a bit more. We can't wait until he takes over for Leno (because seriously, would anyone have been excited about Leno coming to town?).

Photo copyright 2007/Dana Edelson/NBC