Artist Mark Mulroney lives and makes art in Berkeley but hails from Dutton, PA. He came over to the Bay to teach at the San Francisco Art Institute and participate in an economy in which he will never be able to afford a home while he continues to pursue his studio career. Mark's older work looks like construction sites for Dr. Seuss landscapes but painted with the exquisite line of Hans Belmer and the slightly toned down palette of
John Wesley. Mark's recent work is a successful jog into kitsch iconography using the kitschiest of mediums, the airbrush, along with his nimble brush. He continues to mine objects of desire and his childhood as a devout Catholic for content. His new show entitled "What Fits in Your Mouth, Doesn't Always Fit in Your Stomach" will
have a reception open to the public and free of charge this Thursday at Gregory Lind Gallery from 5:30-7:30pm. Mark's work can also be seen on his webpage and at the NYC gallery,Mixed Greens.

Why is Lou Reed irrelevant?
Because no one wants to hear a rich over the hill rock star sing about being a poor junky living in New York. Nobody cares about his boring stories.

What or who else is irrelevant?
I am pretty sure Chevy Chase is not doing so well.

Describe your art:
It is a bit like the season finale of the show "SeaQuest"

What's your take on the Bay Area Art scene?
Let's get over Diebenkorn already.

Any advice for aspiring artists out there?
Make whatever you'd like to look at or experience and don't try and guess what others will like or what the market wants. Work towards a lifelong career as an artist and stop worrying about who is more famous than you

What's it take to get representation is this town and is it even worth it?
Ultimately I believe that if you are having a hard time finding a gallery the first place to look is at your work If you have good work the gallery opportunities will present themselves as for whether it is worth it or not it can be good but SF does not get the attention that NY or LA can provide an artist so if I were looking to get into a market I
might devote most of my efforts towards one of those markets first.

Something people don't often get noticed or appreciated about my art is?
My best work is often the pieces that seem really stupid at first

Favorite local gallery?
There is this little diner in the Sunset that hangs drawings done by customers and such and they have some really great work there. I suppose it is not officially a gallery but I always enjoy looking at the work

Best art show you've seen here?
Shalo Penuela and Homero Hidalgo at Meridian Gallery a year or so ago.

What are some influences on your work?
My grandma, cowboy comics, weegee, John Zorn, naked ladies (boobs), all things proper and Catholic, Lucy, my nephews, Cyrus and Arlo

Casey Smith, Contributing