Hey, folks, your Trimethyldioxypurist is back with a quick follow-up to the review of Meth Coffee we posted yesterday.

We saw something related on the wires this morning. We're tempted to just link to this press release without comment. But, no, we suppose we should say something.

Let's reprint the first paragraph for your convenience:

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Americans For Drug Free Youth (AFDFY) launches national anti "Meth Coffee" campaign. Starting today, AFDFY begins its campaign across the country to encourage action by all Americans asking Congress to introduce and pass a law that would stop immoral and scandalous trademarks to be used when marketing a product. Present trademark laws and state laws forbid the use of scandalous and immoral words to be used in a trademark and or business name.

Our comment: If you don't like the product, vote with your dollars.

To tell the truth, we have our doubts about the long-term viability of a product whose entire sales gimmick is a silly or salacious name; at a certain point, the product itself has to stand up to consumers and the company has to "grow up." But we digress.

The point: Quit bugging Congress, they have enough trouble getting things done anyway. We don't really see how the government preventing certain product names does anything to actually educate youth on the issue at hand.

Just our two cents. Feel free to tell us we're wrong in the comments below.