It was announced today that Art Shell would not return as the Raiders head coach in 2007.

Fired? Resigned? Stepped down? Stepped aside? Stripped of his title? Canned? Whatever, it was Al's decision.

So drink an for Art Shell. Remember, that's a shot of Jager dropped into an O'Doul's. (Ugh, shudder.) An ill-built placeholder of a drink that somehow manages to get nothing done -- much like Al's decision to go with bringing Art back as Head Coach for the 2006 seasson.

Art, we are sorry that your labors were in vain. You deserved better. You deserve better.

There is no quality long-term candidate who would want the open position No one wants to wade into this mire. Bein' Raider Head Coach has as much job security and room for input with the boss as, saaay, a Iraqi government official, or a Spinal Tap drummer, or a red-shirted security dude on the original Star Trek. It's just not worth it.

Tomorrow there well may be a craiglist job ad for Raider Head Coach. Help write it in the Comments section below.

And Art, wherever you are, good luck.

Art Shell